Posts in Marketing
Don’t Count Out Direct Mail…Not Yet, At Least

After a quiet launch just over a year ago, Every Door Direct Mail is getting a massive multimedia marketing push. Part of the campaign is a series of television spots, each taking clever aim at the problems still facing businesses today. Finding an audience, driving in traffic, and just getting views are all fodder for these ads. And though they don’t come out and say it, it’s hard not to notice that they’re talking about the web as well.

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Can Your Brand Benefit from Inconsistency?

Consistency has long been a linchpin in marketing strategies. The more consistent the message is across all points of contact, the more likely the brand becomes recognizable to the consumer. So recognizable that it almost controls the public’s perception of the product, not to mention turns consumers into customers — at least that’s our hope.

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Time As Important As Consistency in Marketing

A lot has been written about consistency in marketing, and for good reason. When a consumer hears the same message in the same way at each point of contact, it builds brand awareness. This awareness makes your brand recognizable, differentiating you from your competitors. It also ensures that anyone talking about your brand talks about it in the way you want it to be talked about.

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Inbound Marketing — A Cure-All for Business Woes?

Inbound marketing. It’s not a new concept when it comes to marketing strategies, yet it's quickly becoming “all the buzz” with marketers, not to mention those who hire them. The idea is simple enough. Create useful content that brings consumers to your site. Content that maximizes search engine rankings and social media outlets to establish relationships between you and consumers. These relationships eventually earn you trust. Trust you then leverage to convert into business.

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Problems with Perceived Value of "Fair and Square" Pricing

February marked the end of endless markdowns at JC Penney. Instead, the retailer has moved to a simpler approach to pricing. Each item now falls in one of three tiers. First, all merchandise gets a “Fair and Square” price of about 40% less than the average ticket. Each month ushers in a theme sale, where products related to a holiday or time of year get a “Monthly Value” discount. From there, those items that don’t sell are put on clearance, either the first or third Friday of the month.

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Brand Loyalty — A Thing of the Past?

Some marketers will tell you brand loyalty is a thing of the past, while others will argue that it only applies to niche goods. If either notion is at all true, why the change? Part of the problem is saturation. With so many products of similar quality and price on the market today, it’s quite easy for the consumer to substitute one brand for the next. There’s no real risk in switching brands.

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